from my kitchen to yours
Easy Recipes




Have you ever tried something so delicious you can barely stand it…and something that you’re even more shocked that you actually made. This is one of those recipes. When you make this BUTTER BOILED CORN ON THE COB, you’ll feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven.

I love corn on the cob! Whether it’s grilled, smoked, or otherwise, and this Milk Butter Boiled Corn on the Cob is the best hands down! It’s just as easy as boiling or steaming corn on the cob, but this version is so superbly sweet and soft that you will make it your new ‘go-to’ method of cooking your corn!

Nothing can compare to fresh corn on the cob, cooked quickly, coated with sweet butter, and sprinkled with salt.Eating two corn on the cob per person seems to be the right meal, but when the corn is just harvested, the appetite will increase.


Simple and easy ! My whole family loves this recipe so much. If it were for them, I’d be making this every day! Give it a shot, you’ll love it!To Make this Recipe You’ Will Need the following ingredients:


What you will need :

Sparkling corn in the cob, peeled and clean
1 m. milk
1/2 stick butter
1 T. Sugar


How to make it :

Place the corn in a large bowl and load enough water to submerge the corn. Add milk, butter and sugar and stir to mix water and milk. Bring to a boil on the med. Overheat, once boiling, reduce heat to medium and put a lid on the saucepan. Cook for 25 minutes to get crisp and bland, or longer as desired.
